Here is a piece of code to create a role by company ID.
Following MySql queries truncate all the customer related data. Tested on Magento 2.4 Open Source.
How about knowing all the free Magento extensions which are really helpful for your store ? Yes, I have filtered some for you. By installing these extensions you will have extra features on top of the Magento Solution.
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. Today I’m sharing the steps to get started with Varnish installation and configuration. By default it will install the latest Varnish version.
Magento 2 stores the URL identifier in url_rewrite table. You can get the page entity_id or page_id by idendifier. If you look into url_rewrite table where you can search by request_path column.
First we need to understand how images are stored in the database and what are the tables involved that stores the image name, entity_id, attribute_id and attribute_code.
Magento 2 native supports the built in category move() method which do the magic of moving the updating the parent id, moving the products, set new category URL, clear cache tags, reindex URLs list.
Irrespective which Magento version you are using, you can check the complete list of Eav Entity Types from the eav_entity_type database table.
Magento releases patches of many types like cross-site scripting vulnerability issue, backward compatibility issues, module specific issues, hot fixes etc. These patches are very important to install in our Magento Instance for many reasons. Let’s get started.
There might be a requirement in store that never intends to offer gift cards. Today we gonna learn how to remove component/block from storefront.